Getting started in strongman: What you need.

Getting started in strongman: What you need.

If you're just starting with strongman training, here are some essential pieces of equipment you'll need to get started:

  1. Barbell and plates: A standard barbell and weight plates are essential for building overall strength and are a staple in many strongman movements. Look for a barbell that can handle heavy weights and has good grip.

  2. Kettlebells: Kettlebells are versatile pieces of equipment that can be used for exercises like swings, cleans, and presses, which are common in strongman training. Start with a few different sizes to accommodate different exercises.

  3. Dumbbells: Dumbbells can be used for exercises like rows, curls, and overhead presses, which can be beneficial for building overall strength and muscle mass.

  4. Strongman implements: To specifically train for strongman competitions, you'll need access to implements like atlas stones, sandbags, farmer's walk handles, yokes, and log bars. Depending on the type of competition you plan on entering, you may need to invest in specific implements.

  5. Pull-up bar: Pull-ups are an essential bodyweight exercise that can help build overall strength and are often used in strongman training. Invest in a sturdy pull-up bar that can handle your weight and has different grip options.

  6. Conditioning equipment: Strongman training requires a combination of strength and endurance, so you'll need conditioning equipment like sleds, battle ropes, and rowing machines to improve your cardiovascular fitness.

  7. Power rack: A power rack is a versatile piece of equipment that can be used for exercises like squats, bench presses, and overhead presses, which are important for building overall strength.

By investing in these essential pieces of equipment, you'll be well on your way to starting strongman training and improving your overall strength and fitness.

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