Strongman Training: Turning plateaus into peaks.

Strongman Training: Turning plateaus into peaks.

In strength training, reaching a plateau is one of the most frustrating things to happen, but it is a common challenge that athletes face. Below you will find some strategies to help you break through that wall and continue to progress:

  1. Change your training program: If you've been doing the same exercises with the same weight and rep ranges for a while, it may be time to switch things up. Try a different set and rep scheme, add some new exercises, or increase the weight you're using.

  2. Incorporate variation: Along with changing your training program, you can also incorporate variation by using different types of equipment or doing different variations of exercises. For example, you can switch from back squats to front squats, or from dumbbell presses to barbell presses.

  3. Increase your volume: Increasing the volume of your training can help you push through a plateau. This can mean doing more sets or reps, or adding more training days to your routine. However, be careful not to overdo it – increasing volume too quickly can lead to overtraining and injury.

  4. Focus on your form: Poor form can limit your progress and increase your risk of injury. If you're not making progress, take a closer look at your form and make sure you're doing each exercise correctly. You can also work with a personal trainer or coach to get feedback on your technique.

  5. Improve your recovery: Recovery is just as important as training when it comes to making progress. Make sure you're getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and taking rest days as needed. You can also incorporate recovery activities like stretching or foam rolling to help reduce soreness and improve mobility.

  6. Consider deloading: If you've been training hard for a while and aren't making progress, it may be time to take a step back and deload. This means reducing the weight and volume of your training for a week or two to allow your body to recover and recharge. When you return to your regular training, you may find that you're able to make progress again.

Breaking through a strength plateau takes patience and persistence, but by incorporating these strategies and staying consistent with your training, you can continue to make progress and achieve your strength training goals.

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